PacManace v0.2 (Postmortem)


PacManace Breakthrough!

After Many attempts to get the Ghost pathfinding to work, trying to use nodes and collider2D to relay information to change the Ghost direction, and trying to code out a Grid System, Heat Map, Grid Generics, and the A* Path Finding scripts all from scratch. I finally got a working solution using NavMeshPlus & AI Navigation in the package manager tab to create a working AI pathfinder. 

I spent a good whole week figuring out how to get it to work. However, with the lack of knowledge and experience in coding C#. I had to find a simpler and easier solution that even a beginner could do. I stumbled across NavMeshPlus and with a bit of tweaking around, I got it to work! The feeling is amazing! 

Now that I have made the Ghost track down the player, I will need to create a new behavior, Scatter, and a function to randomize between Scattering and Chasing. Next, A working bullet to damage and kill ghosts and a Ghost spawner. This will be my next two agenda by tuesday! 

New Features


  • Added Pac-Man Movements
  • Added Grid TileMaps and environment
  • Added interactable Pallets
  • Added interactable Pistol
  • Added Pac-Man Shoot Functions
  • Added Basic UI with functioning Pallet counter
  • Added Following Camera & Camera Boundary


Special thanks to the below creators!

Get PacManace

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